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Takahiro Ueno was born in Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, 4th of September, 1981. Started to dance from 18 years old, studying by himself. In 2004, at the age of 23, he moved alone over to U.S.A.


In 2005, challenged the contest, “Amateur Night” held in The Apollo Theater, the holy ground of HIPHOP and the birthplace of Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and James Brown. He won all qualifying tournaments which were held throughout a year, and won as the champion in the dance sector in 2005.

2005年、マイケル•ジャクソンやスティービー•ワンダー、ジェームス•ブラウンなど数々のスターを生み出してきたHIPHOPの聖地「The Apollo Theater」のコンテスト「Amateur Night」にソロダンサーとして挑戦。1年間をかけた予選大会を全て優勝で勝ち進み、2005年シーズンのダンス部門1位に輝く。

He appeared on “SHOW TIME AT THE APOLLO”, the show of coast-to-coast TV in 2006. He had been the champion for nine consecutive years which was first ever since this TV show started. The APOLO theater praised him as 「Young phenomenon TAKAHIRO」.

2006年にはNBCの全米放送番組「SHOW TIME AT THE APOLLO」に登場。この番組史上初の9大会連続優勝を果たし、1度も負けることなく殿堂入り。アポロ•シアターから「Young phenomenon TAKAHIRO(若き天才)」と評される。

This record amazed people and was feature by NY times as 「Takahiro Ueno is astounding」, the Newsweek chose him as 「100 Japanese respected by the WORLD」. His success was even introduced in the course of the New York University.

その実績が話題を呼び、NY Times紙で「Takahiro Ueno is astounding.(オドロキの表現者) 」と特集され、Newsweek誌 では「世界が尊敬する日本人100」に選出。またニューヨーク大学ではTAKAHIROを題材に講義が行われた。

His original style taking in his Japanese identity caught Madonna’s interest and achieved the stardom of exclusive dancer of the “Sticky & Sweet Tour”. He was being selected as the director and dance choreographer in Japanese promotion of the album, “Celebration”. adonna made comments as “He(TAKAHIRO)is brilliant dancer. I love him. And he is very talented good Choreographer.”.

日本人としてのアイデンティティーをダンスに取り入れるその世界観がマドンナの目に留まり、ワールドツアー「Sticky & Sweet Tour」専属ダンサーの座を得る。アルバム「Celebration」JAPANプロモーションの演出・振付にも抜擢。マドンナは「He(TAKAHIRO)is brilliant dancer. I love him. And he is very talented good Choreographer. (彼は輝かしいダンサー。愛してる。そして、才能のある優れた振付家だわ)」と高く評価している。

All his activities were also appreciated in Japan and he was introduced in the TV program, the “Jounetsu Taikriku” and “Tetsuko's room”, first time as a dancer. Currently he is working not only as a back dancer but also as a producer of entertainments; dance show cases with the collaboration of fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton and Ralph Lauren, musicals dance works, artists’ PV and producing children exercises. At the same time he is focusing on dance education in Japan, teaching as a dance advisor at Dance and Actors Tokyo Shibuya and many other high schools, universities and dance schools.

それらの活動は日本でも認められ、ストリートダンサーとして初めて「情熱大陸」「徹子の部屋」に出演。現在ではLouis VuittonやRalph Laurenをはじめとするファッションブランドとコラボレーションしたダンスショーケース、ミュージカル、ダンス作品、アーティストPV、TV番組の子供体操の振り付けや演出など、バックダンサーやソロパフォーマンスにとどまらず、ダンスをフィルターとした様々なエンターテインメントを制作。同時に、東京ダンス&アクターズ渋谷専門学校の教育顧問を務める他、多くの高校、大学、ダンススクールでレッスンや講演を行い、ダンス教育にも力を注いでいる。